Tag: President Buhari


Buhari apologises to Nigerians over painful socio-economic realities

Outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari has apologised to citizens over the negative effects of some economic policies implemented by his administration in the course of revamping the nation’s economy.

The most recent of such policy was the implementation of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) naira redesign policy which was suspended on March 13.

The CBN Governor, Mr Godwin Emefiele, had in October 2022 announced that the bank would redesign N200, N500 and N1,000 notes and discontinue the old ones.

The implementation of the policy, which caused scarcity of the naira notes nationwide, caused hardship, agony, humiliation, social uprising and deaths of Nigerians.

Banks and their Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) across the country were attacked by angry youths and other protesters.

However, on March 3, the Supreme Court extended the validity of the N200, N500, and N1,000 notes till Dec. 31, thereby restoring sanity into the various socio-economic activities in the country.

The president, however, said: ”In the course of revamping the economy, we made some difficult choices, most of which yielded the desired results.

“Some of the measures led to temporary pains and sufferings for which I sincerely apologised to my fellow countrymen, but the measures were taken for the overall good of the country.”

According to the president, the Nigerian economy has become more resilient due to the various strategies put in place to ensure that the economy remained afloat during cases of global economic downturns.

“You would all recall the supply chain disruptions and economic downturn that the world witnessed between 2020 and 2022 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The deftness of our response to the pandemic still remains a global best practice.

“Furthermore, we increased the ability of the poor and rural Nigerians to earn a living, provided more food for millions in our villages and gave our women opportunities to earn a living.

“Young men and women in urban centres were also supported to put their skills into productive use.”

The president affirmed that his administration also provided an enabling environment for the private sector to engage in businesses for which their return on investments is guaranteed.

According to him, the private sector proved a strong partner in the drive to build a resilient and sustainable economy as evidenced by the growing number of turnkey projects in various sectors of the economy.

On infrastructural development, Buhari disclosed that his administration had successfully completed some legacy projects to drive economic growth in the country.

“Mindful of the need to ensure adequate infrastructure to drive economic growth, we completed age-long projects and processes notably amongst which are the Petroleum Industry Act, completion of some power projects, completion of the Second Niger Bridge and various important roads linking cities and states,” he said.

President Buhari

Buhari: I’m leaving office with Nigeria better in 2023 than in 2015

President Muhammadu Buhari has said he is confident that he is leaving office with Nigeria better in 2023 than it was in 2015.

The president stated this in a farewell broadcast to the nation on Sunday in Abuja.

Buhari, therefore, expressed appreciation to all those that provided their support and encouragement to help him navigate the exciting journey in moving Nigeria forward.

“I also want to use this opportunity to express my appreciation to a good number of Nigerians who provided their support and encouragement to help me navigate the exciting journey in moving Nigeria forward.

“I cannot and will not forget the millions who prayed for me during my illness in my first term of office. I am constantly praying for you and for Nigeria to thrive in peace.

“As I retire home to Daura, Katsina State, I feel fulfilled that we have started the Nigeria re-birth by taking the initial critical steps and I am convinced the incoming administration will quicken the pace of this walk to see a Nigeria that fulfils its destiny to be a great nation,” he said.

The outgoing Nigerian leader also used the opportunity of the broadcast to briefly list some of the achievements of his administration in the last eight years.

On the international scene, Buhari noted that Nigeria’s influence had continued to grow as exemplified by notable Nigerians occupying headship and leadership positions in renowned global bodies.

He also saluted the cordial relationship between the executive and legislative arms of the government, while commending the leadership and members of the National Assembly for their support and cooperation.

He said: ”Our democracy is built on and continues to thrive on the principles of separation of powers.

“The leadership and members of the National Assembly deserve my appreciation for their patriotism which did not detract from their roles as a check to the executive arm.”

To improve service delivery, the president stated that his administration began the implementation of a number of reforms aimed at producing ”an Efficient, Productive, Incorruptible and Citizen-oriented (EPIC) Federal Civil Service and the results are beginning to show.”

On security challenges, Buhari said his administration had been able to reduce the incidences of banditry, terrorism, armed robbery and other criminal activities considerably.

“Our battle to ensure that all Nigerians live in a safe and secure environment has achieved considerable results.

“As I complete my term in office, we have been able to reduce the incidences of banditry, terrorism, armed robbery and other criminal activities considerably,” he said.

The president, however, called on the citizens to sustain the gains made so far by being more vigilant and support the security agencies by ensuring that ”nation’s values defined by being your brothers’ keeper govern our actions.”

Buhari again expressed sadness over those citizens still in captivity, saying the security agencies had intensified efforts to rescue them unharmed.

“’Up till now, I still grieve for our children still in captivity, mourn with parents, friends and relatives of all those that lost loved ones in the days of the senseless brigandage and carnage.

“For all those under unlawful captivity our security agencies are working round-the-clock to secure their release unharmed.”

On the fight against corruption in the last eight years, Buhari said: ”Fellow Nigerians, you know how dear the desire in my heart is, to rid the country of corrupt practices that had consistently diminished our efforts to be a great country.

“I did pursue this commitment relentlessly, in spite of the expected push back.

“I am happy that considerable progress had been made in repatriating huge sums of money back to the country and also taken over properties illegally acquired from our commonwealth.”

Buhari and Emefiele

Buhari must stop Emefiele, others from leaving before Tinubu’s inauguration

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My plea with President Muhammadu Buhari to halt all study leaves, foreign transfers, postings of officers critical to take-off of incoming administration

Beyond the remarkable achievements of his administration in all sectors, President Muhammadu Buhari has demonstrated that he is a patriot, democrat and a man of impeccable integrity and character. Perhaps more than ever before, this has been on display even in the twilight of his administration. President Buhari has about two weeks left of his eventful tenure.

Last week, he and his family officially moved out of their residence at Aso Rock Presidential Villa into a place called the Glass House, also within the precinct of the Villa.

And we witnessed an astonishingly respectable spectacle of First Lady Aisha Buhari taking Senator Oluremi Tinubu, wife of the President-elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu, round the Presidential Villa, their soon-to-be- abode.

President Buhari and his wife Aisha Buhari have shown good faith and shown they want a seamless orderly and peaceful transfer of power to the incoming administration. They are eager to ensure that the new regime takes off smoothly and speedily and in a manner devoid of any encumbrance in the interest of our country. This is the right thing to do and I commend President Buhari and his wife for their statesmanly conduct.

The President and his wife have demonstrated good faith.

However, other officers in government have acted in a different manner. They are behaving as if they want to put spanners in the work for the incoming regime. President Buhari should not allow this. He should frown on any attempt by any person seeking to damage the good job he has done.

This is the import of this press statement today. I want, here and now, to urge President Buhari to not approve any study leave or whatever kind of leave for any officer critical to the take-off of the incoming administration of Asíwájú Bola Ahmed Tinubu. One of such persons that has been speculated in the media to have sought a study leave is Central Bank of Nigeria Governor Godwin Emefiele. If the leave has been approved, as reported in the media, the President should cancel it in the interest of peaceful transfer of power, accountability and good governance. CBN Governor Emefiele superintended over the management of the country’s financial and monetary systems. He is the one who initiated and implemented the recent disastrous Naira swap policy, the Naira confiscation program, which put Nigerians through untold woes and trauma and set our economy backwards.

Two of my brother-governors and I took the Federal Government to court over this ill-advised policy and fought resolutely until we got a respite for our people from Emefiele and company.

This same Emefiele now wants to proceed on study leave when he has some 10 months left of his tenure apparently in a bid to evade rendering accounts. This is unacceptable. President Buhari should not countenance this. Emefiele must stay at his job to give full accounts of all that transpired under his watch to the incoming administration. He must answer all the questions the new regime may have for him particularly when he still has some months left of his tenure.

I also want to use this opportunity to appeal to President Buhari to also not approve foreign postings or grant any foreign travels for any officer at any level in the outgoing government who may be critical or strategic to the smooth take-off of the incoming government. I’m aware that some officers in the outgoing government are moving to surreptitiously leave the country at this critical time they are needed to answer to specific questions, though I would not want mention their names here.
President Buhari should not heed their inordinate and unpatriotic plan. These plans are dangerous and devilish. They show clearly that these officers have something to hide. This must be halted immediately. Any plan to evade rendering accounts is neither in the interest of accountability, transparency and anti-corruption, which President Buhari had championed in government, nor in the interest of an unencumbered take-off of the incoming administration. It’s also not in the interest of the country, which the president has always promoted and championed. This is my appeal and why I have decided to speak out as a patriotic Nigerian and concerned governor.
Thank you.

Bello Matawalle
Governor of Zamfara State
May 15, 2023

Buhari and King Charles in London on Friday

Buhari bids farewell to Commonwealth, speaks on lessons of 2023 elections


President Muhammadu Buhari Friday in London used the opportunity of the summit of Commonwealth leaders to bid farewell to his colleagues, while also speaking on the lessons learnt from the 2023 elections

“As I come before you today, I am also mindful that this would be my last official engagement with His Majesty The King and some of you as I leave office on 29 May 2023. I, therefore, feel both humble and grateful for this extraordinary and significantly important moment.

“Over the years, I have worked cordially with the leaders of Commonwealth to achieve the values and principles of the Commonwealth which are shared by its members – the aspirations of the Commonwealth family which include positioning it to be a strong and respected voice in the world and improving the lives of all its citizens are being vigorously pursued,” he said.

Buhari expressed satisfaction with the conduct of the 2023 general elections in Nigeria considering the turnout of voters and the generally peaceful atmosphere under which it took place.

He added that the country learnt lessons which would make subsequent polls even better.

The President stated this while addressing his colleagues at the Commonwealth Leaders Summit as part of the major events leading to the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III as King of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Commonwealth.

The theme of the event focused on the future of the Commonwealth as a body and the role of the Youth.

According to the President, “these elections saw a remarkable turnout of voters and proof that Nigeria’s democracy is maturing. Despite some pockets of violence, we have demonstrated that a government can be elected peacefully and fairly.

“Lessons have been learnt and moving forward, we hope to perform even better. Based on this, I am delighted to note that we have taken another step towards deepening our democracy with peaceful, transparent and credible outcomes. Though we are aware that challenges still exist, we are committed to working towards a greater participation of all Nigerians in the democratic process, including those in the diaspora.”

While thanking the Commonwealth for sending a team to witness the conduct of the elections, he noted that the elections were generally free and fair, and the mood of the Nation after the announcement of the winners so far shows that democracy in Nigeria is maturing and can only get better.

President Buhari highlighted the key role Nigerian youths played during the elections as well as in support of national development, attributing a great part of this youth participation in the General Elections to the assent of ‘Not Too Young To Run’ Bill signed into law by his Administration in 2018.

He announced that Nigeria would also host the Commonwealth Youth and Students Summit for African Region, with the theme, ‘Making Change Happen’ in Abuja from May 9-11, this year.


Buhari’s achievements best response to Punch’s adversarial editorial

By Garba Shehu

The latest in a series of some partisan editorials by some of this country’s newspapers seeking to rewrite recent history was published by the Punch newspaper this weekend, painting a bleak, pessimistic and frequently inaccurate picture of the state of our nation and outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari’s leadership.

In this post-election period of heightened tension and disinformation, we see it fit to set the record straight.

First let’s start with the one thing the editorial gets right: that President Buhari inherited an economy in disarray. Corruption ran rampant, oil-prices were nose-diving and – astoundingly – an international terror cell, the Boko Haram controlled territory the size of Belgium within our country’s borders.

That so-called country, the Caliphate is unrecognizable from today’s Nigeria.

Today, corruption is thrust out in the open by Buhari’s landmark whistleblowing policy, empowering Nigerians to report it without fear and seeing the repatriation of hundreds of millions of dollars stolen by corrupt politicians and stashed in banks abroad.

Terrorists no longer hold any territory in Nigeria whatsoever, and their leaders have been neutralised by our security forces.

Economy has witnessed growth. External reserves have maintained a healthy growth throughout these eight years.

Within two years of the Buhari administration, exports more than doubled from the 2015 records. Agriculture exports grew 180.7% by 2017 above the value in 2015.

Raw material exports grew 154.2% in the same period; solid minerals grew 565% and exports of manufactured goods 26.8%.

The Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), the Federal Government’s medium-term Economic Plan, launched by President Buhari in April 2017, successfully ushered in a macroeconomic environment and helped the country to achieve food security.

The editorial begrudgingly credits President Buhari for the “massive success” of pushing through the Petroleum Industry Bill – a staggering achievement attempted but failed by myriad previous administrations – as well as the vast improvements to national infrastructure that have set our country on course for sustainable and equitable growth.

The reality of President Buhari and his legacy is a far cry indeed from what the editorial describes as a leader who “failed to demonstrate any real grasp of modern economic ideas, and lacked the presence of mind or leadership acumen required to turn the ailing economy around”. Goodness!

Which economic miracle worker in Punch newspaper can turn round an economy which suffers from collapse of oil prices, COVID-19 lockdown and associated supply chain crisis and the Russia-Ukraine war?

Look around the world and see how practically every country struggles from these disasters.

But President Buhari is not a North Korean dictator. He would be scornful of any world leader who claimed a perfect record and would be the last person to make such claims for himself.

He had his strengths and his weaknesses, and applied the former and mitigated against the latter to achieve his overarching goal: to leave Nigeria a better place than he found it. In that he succeeded.

He presided over the most turbulent period in modern Nigerian history, helping our nation navigate through global shocks such as volatile oil prices, the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the global cost of living crisis.

He kept the ship steady, and paved the way for his successor, President-elect Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to take the reins at the end of this month and build upon what he has already achieved.

The editorial states that Buhari will not be missed. We shall see. But, countless Nigerians whose futures he has improved, will fondly remember him for good.

Among these, to take just one aspect or two- the two million poor and vulnerable Nigerian households that are currently benefiting from the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program, which pays a bimonthly stipend of N10,000 per household; the 355,000 vulnerable persons have received a special one-off grant of N20,000 each in the 36 states and the FCT; the beneficiaries of Nigeria’s Micro-Pension Scheme which allows self-employed persons and persons working in organisations with less than 3 employees to save for the provision of pension at retirement or incapacitation.

Punch possibly doesn’t have a record of the government’s Survival Fund, the National Youth Investment Fund, and National Special Public Works Program (774,000 beneficiaries across 774 LGAs nationwide), and the Central Bank’s COVID-19 N300 billion Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) to support millions of small businesses, households, and young people, with federal grants, loans, and stipends.

This Survival Fund has provided grants (Payroll Support, Artisan and Transport Sector grants, and General MSME grants) to more than 1.2 million beneficiaries, since the last quarter of 2020. It has also provided free business registration to 250,000 MSMEs across the country.

Nor will he be forgotten by the owners of the new 40 plus fertilizer companies and the thousands of people they employ, producing locally to service the more than 12 million new rice growers who in turn provide six million tons of paddy processed by more 100 new rice mills with Kano alone having 62, and others spreading far and wide to Ebonyi, Lagos, Ekiti, Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe, Kaduna, Katsina and others.

No, Punch should stop living in denial. These ones and their kith and kin making up the 200 million plus citizens of our country, the teachers whose backlog of unpaid salaries were paid and the pensioners from years yore, denied payment and treated with contempt now smiling their way to the banks will remember positively that Muhammadu Buhari came, saw and he conquered.

*Garba Shehu is the Senior Special Assistant to the President (Media & Publicity)

Cover of the Compendium on Buhari's achievements

2-volume Compendium released on Buhari’s achievements

The Federal Government has released a 1,564-page compendium detailing the numerous achievements of the Administration of President Muhammadu Buhari from 2015 to 2023

The compendium which came in two volumes and documented by the Ministry of Information and Culture was made available to newsmen on Wednesday in Abuja.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, in the preface said the compendium was one of the outcomes of the multi-dimensional programmes designed by the Ministry to showcase the administration’s achievements.

According to the minister: “The compendium contained the aggregation of the scorecards of the various ministries, making it the most authentic and detailed collection – in a written form – that anyone can have on the achievements of the Buhari Administration from its assumption of office in 2015 to the end of its two-term tenure in 2023.

Mohammed said the collection came under the Administration’s Scorecard Series
(2015-2023)’, launched by his ministry in October last year to consolidate the propagation of the government’s achievements.

The scorecard series, according to him, provided the platform for ministers to tell Nigerians how they had fared in executing the policies and programmes of the Administration from their various sectors.

Mohammed said other components of the multi-layer programmes included a Documentary showcasing in vivid terms the giant strides of the Administration in all spheres of life.

He said a Testimony Series was also organised, which gave ordinary Nigerians the opportunity to express how they had benefitted from the Administration’s policies.

The minister said the ministry equally launched a Legacy Portal that would preserve for posterity all the achievements of the administration.

“I can boldly say that we have achieved our objective of launching the entire Scorecard Series, which is to tell Nigerians what the Buhari Administration has done in all the sectors to positively impact on their lives.

“Prior to the launch of this Scorecard Series, the refrain from the opposition was that the APC and the Buhari Administration have nothing to campaign with in the run-up to the 2023 general elections.

“But we have proven them wrong. Not only do we have achievements to campaign with, we are spoilt for choice,” he said.

The minister appreciated all the ministers for their support and cooperation in making the compendium and all the other components of the scorecard series a reality.

He also expressed gratitude to the members of staff of his ministry, heads of the agencies under the ministry as well as the media, which consistently reported the presentations.

On behalf of other Ministers, Mohammed gave gratitude to President Buhari for his unflinching support for them to deliver on their mandates

Tinubu and Buhari

Buhari, Tinubu in closed door meeting


President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and President Muhammadu Buhari had a closed-door meeting Friday at which they discussed a host of issues of common concern to them.

They also greeted one another on the Sallah occasion following the completion of the 30-day Ramadan fast and privately

Later Tinubu joined President Muhammadu Buhari to offer Friday prayers at the State House Mosque, Aso Rock Villa, Abuja .

The President-elect was accompanied to the State House by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila.

Two Governors, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje of Kano and Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq of Kwara State as well as Alhassan Ado Doguwa the Majority Leader of House of Representatives were also in Tinubu’s entourage.

President Buhari in bidding a farewell to the visitor said: “Thank you for joining us in prayer.”


Buhari reveals why PDP, LP lost presidential election

President Muhammadu Buhari believes that the main reason the opposition parties, the PDP, Labour Party and others lost the recent presidential election was because they were over-confident.

He said the opposition became victims of their over confidence, while in contrast the All Progressives Congress worked hard to retain power.

Buhari spoke Thursday at his residence in the State House where he received the Progressive Governors Forum led by their Chairman, Governor Abubakar Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi State.

The President said: “They were already telling their foreign backers that they would defeat the APC. Our Party blended confidence with caution, we worked hard and won.

“Now, their over confidence is creating more problems for the opposition than anyone else. They are finding it hard to convince those who supported them from outside why they are unable to beat us.

“A combination of over confidence, complacency and bad tactical moves made them lose, plain and clear. This has created more problems in their camp. Why did they fail to remove us?”

Speaking in response to an issue raised by Governor Bagudu, the leader of the Forum, President Buhari said “an important reason I congratulate Asiwaju on winning is because the opposition got support and false hope from outside and went on to create the impression that they will win, that they will defeat us. How more wrong could anyone be?” he asked.

The President charged the Progressive Governors to stick together and openly address issues among themselves.

“Try and keep solving problems. Be courageous to discuss them openly between yourselves. This is the best way to survive politically in Nigeria,” said the President, urging that “you (Governors) have a program to meet regularly and to discuss issues and how to maintain the Party nationwide.”

President Buhari spoke at length about his retirement proposal, saying that he intended to be at home in Daura for six months before moving eventually to Kaduna.

He thanked Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State for the infrastructure he has provided that would make life for his retirement and that of the people of the state much better, adding that the Governor of Kano had equally done the same.

The Chairman, Atiku Bagudu said the visit was ostensibly to say “Happy Sallah” to the President and to thank him for the leadership he had given to the Party and the nation.

This being their first visit since the elections, they congratulated the President on the Party’s victory in the Presidential Polls, saying, “Congratulations, your Party won the Presidency, a majority in the Senate and for being the leading Party in the House of Representatives. These successes would not have happened without your support.

“History will remember you kindly. Around the world, the election is being celebrated because of the turbulence in the region and in the developing world, all courtesy of your leadership. We won by sheer hard work, the same thing you have always encouraged us to do. We thank you immensely for everything,” he added.

The Governors in attendance in addition to Kebbi were from Plateau, Imo, Kwara, Ekiti, Kaduna, Kogi, Lagos, Cross Rivers , Jigawa, Katsina, Ogun and Nasarawa States.

The Deputy Governors of Kano, Gombe, Borno and Ebonyi were in attendance, as well as the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha.

Buhari and Tinubu

Buhari, Tinubu exchange Sallah greetings


Press Release

President Muhammadu Buhari and the incoming President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu Friday morning exchanged Eid greetings in a phone call to mark the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Both leaders thanked God Almighty for seeing this day and prayed for the stability and the wellbeing of the nation.

President Buhari expressed his readiness to welcome Asiwaju Tinubu to the State House as President on May 29th.

Garba Shehu

Senior Special Assistant to the President

(Media & Publicity)

April 21, 2023


Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a man of many traditional honours across the country, from north to south, west to east. The array of titles he has garnered was only comparable to that of Chief Moshood Abiola, winner of the 1993 Presidential election.


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