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L-R, Bola Tinubu, Atiku, Obi

The President Nigeria needs

By Oserheimen A. Osunbor

With campaigns on-going for various elective positions in the 2023 general elections it is imperative at this time to reflect on the type of person Nigeria needs to elect to the office of President. What really are the expectations of Nigeria?

Without a doubt, Nigerians want to have a country that works; that can provide the basic everyday needs of her citizens; whose leadership is imaginative, creative and can transform Nigeria from being perpetually “a country with great potentials” to one where those potentials become a reality with actual gains and positive results in all spheres of life.

We need a President under whose watch and inspiring leadership we can change the narrative about Nigeria being a potentially great country; a President that will ignite the engines of growth which will result in actual gains and true greatness.

We need a builder who will not only position Nigeria on a new trajectory towards the realisation of her full potentials but will set the tone for the sub-national units to emulate. In 2023 and beyond the narrative must change in a remarkably different way by electing a President who can build the Nigeria of our dreams.

The only way to decide who best meets these requirements amongst the Presidential candidates is to examine the track records of each of them.

This determination can be best made not through blind emotions, anger, hatred, envy, insults or protest but by a calm, sober and dispassionate assessment of the antecedents and track records of the candidates who seek to be our President.

We have reached a defining moment for Nigeria when we must seize the opportunity to lift our country out of the throes of backwardness so that it can join the league of developed nations.

Many formerly under-developed countries like ours have since left us far behind in the development index.

We have gone past the time of rhetoric and bare campaign promises (and politicians the world over are notorious for promises not kept) but must assess each candidate by what he had done before in public office as a pointer to what he is likely to be able to do in the higher office of President.

Manifestos and debates have their place but much more important is the ability to fulfil campaign promises supported by past records.

The President that Nigeria needs in 2023 and beyond is one that can build our country to the standard we all desire and expect it to be as demonstrated, not by mere rhetoric but by evidence that all can see.

The candidate that best meets this description is, without a doubt, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu the APC Presidential candidate.

The evidence spans various spheres of what it takes to build a nation to greatness. With Tinubu, Nigeria will break away from backwardness and be positioned irreversibly on the path of development and greatness.

He proved this in Lagos when he assumed the office of Governor in 1999 by laying a foundation which his successors have continued to build upon in diverse spheres to the admiration of all fair-minded persons. A few illustrations will suffice.

Before 1999, Lagos used to have the infamous distinction as one of the dirtiest and most disorganised cities in the world but under Tinubu as Governor and till date the situation has changed. In spite of the challenges of an ever increasing daily migration, Lagos now wears a new look with good roads, improved infrastructure and institutions like LAWMA, LASTMA, etc, that are being emulated by many States and even the Federal Government on issues like Justice Sector Reform.

New areas of development have been opened up in the Lekki axis with beautiful aesthetics and a well-planned environment hosting the newly commissioned Lekki Deep Sea Port, Dangote refinery and an on-going international airport.

Eko Atlantic City has transformed hitherto erosion ravaged Bar Beach to a model city comparable to Dubai and other dream destinations across the world to the extent that the United States of America is building there perhaps one of its most expensive missions in the world.

Tinubu as Governor identified the best brains (something he is known for) to help him actualise his vision for a new Lagos and they gave a good account of themselves.

Today one of his former Commissioners is the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; some are Ministers and many others hold high offices in government – both elective and appointive. None of his contemporaries has achieved this.

With his party AD controlling only Lagos State in 2003, Tinubu through his sagacity and deft political manoeuvring transformed it to AC, ACN and ultimately APC which is now the ruling party in Nigeria – this mostly at the expense of PDP whose leadership were consumed in arrogance, wickedness and misrule, believing the fake promise of ruling for 60 years.

They were swept away after 16 terrible years for which they owe Nigerians an apology and atonement, not asking for their votes.

Tinubu harnessed the energy of the youths in Lagos by providing them with employment opportunities in state institutions established by government and private sector enterprises enabled by an investment-friendly environment.

Whereas many governors run their Local governments through Sole Administrators or Caretaker Committees in flagrant breach of section 7 of the Constitution, Tinubu maintained fidelity with the Constitutional requirement that the system of local government in Nigeria must be through democratically elected local government councils.

By ensuring periodic elections into the 57 Local Governments and Development Area Councils in Lagos State, Tinubu opened up more opportunities for youths to be actively engaged in governance thereby preparing them for participation at higher levels. One of his Local Government Council Chairmen rose to become a Senator.

By giving opportunities to youths to participate in legitimate endeavours Lagos State has witnessed a massive decline in violent crimes and other vices.

The new look Oshodi, formerly a den of robbers, attests to the success of Tinubu and those he helped successively to occupy the position of Governor of Lagos State. I can go on and on but I believe the point is clear.

His many other accomplishments are common knowledge.

Of all the front-line Presidential candidates Tinubu is the most religious tolerant. Amongst the candidates he scored the best grades in the University and exhibited exceptional intelligence unmatched by any of his co-contestants.

The challenges facing Nigeria today were faced by Tinubu in Lagos State, though on a smaller scale. However, by establishing a standard and laying a good foundation, Lagos has surmounted most of the limitations to become the fifth largest economy in Africa. You can imagine what Nigeria stands to gain if and when he leads as President.

This is one in a life-time opportunity for Nigeria and we must not allow it to slip through our fingers. Tinubu has the vision and capacity to build the foundations of a new Nigeria in the same way that Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, Mahathir Ibn Mohamad of Malaysia and Paul Kagame of Rwanda pulled their respective countries from poverty to prosperity.

I am not unmindful of the various criticisms and reservations that some have expressed against Tinubu and I do not imagine that he is a saint. No one is perfect. Curiously, many of the opponents agree that he will make a good President but continue to rehash the reservations.

These, I dare say, no matter how well embellished they are with crude jokes, mockery, photos and videos – real or fake, are not weighty enough to deny Nigeria the benefits that a Tinubu Presidency can bring.

It is commonly said that Tinubu is not a good public speaker and is slow or sluggish in speech. When God decided to free the children of Israel from captivity in Egypt he chose Moses who was slow in speech and a stammerer. He did not choose an orator.

Despite his self-confessed lack of eloquence, Moses successfully took his people from Egypt, crossed the Red Sea and led them safely to the promised land.

Some say that Tinubu was indicted or convicted for a drug-related crime in the United States of America in 1993 but the US government issued a statement in February 2003 to say that their government has no criminal record against Tinubu.

It simply makes no sense for any Nigerian nearly 20 years later to continue to contest or contradict the unequivocal official statement clearing Tinubu of links with any crime in far way US.

To do so is to imply or suggest that the U.S. statement is false, which will be very ridiculous, to say the least.

Again, it beats my imagination that people are insisting that Tinubu must display his primary and secondary school certificates even when he has provided to INEC his Chicago State University certificate, a qualification higher than the minimum required under our Constitution.

The only logical deduction from all these accusations, even from among many who do not doubt the leadership acumen of Tinubu, is that these are all they can hang on to in their desperate opposition to his candidature.

It is the same reason they continue to bandy about allegations in the libellous TV documentary, “The Lion of Bourdillon”, for which its publisher has publicly apologised to Tinubu.

In conclusion, my strong advice and appeal to Nigerians is that they should disabuse their minds of sentiments, bitterness or hate and, for the good of our country, elect a President who can transform Nigeria, not a debating champion.

That transformational leader who has demonstrated capacity by a wide margin is Senator Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. He is the President that Nigeria needs in 2023. He deserves our votes.

*Professor Osunbor was a former governor of Edo state

APC women at the Calabar rally

APC Women’s leader Betta Edu targets 40m votes for Tinubu-Shettima


Dr Betta Edu, the National Women’s Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC) said she would target 40 million votes for Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, the party’s presidential candidate in 2023 general election.

Edu said this in Calabar at the APC South-South Women and Youth Rally.

She said the presidential candidate of the APC and his running mate did exceptionally as governors in their respective states and should be given another opportunity to serve the people.

“The presidential candidate of APC has been a great supporter of women and youths and should be given massive support.

“Tinubu has supported women and we have seen it, he supported his wife who is a Christian to rise to the position of a senator and other women in his state.

“When you go back to your states, go to every nook and cranny and mobilise all APC supporters to vote for Tinubu and Shettima.

“Make sure you get your Permanent Voter Cards( PVCs) and go to your polling unit and vote come February 2022,” she said.

On her part, Sen. Oluremi Tinubu, wife of the APC presidential candidate, urged the South-South women to vote massively for the party in 2023 because they have so much to gain.

“We are fully committed that women issues are given priorities in the next administration by the grace of God.

“A vote for Tinubu/Shetima is a vote for progress, enabling environment for youths to thrive, a unified and secured Nigeria,” she added.

Similarly, Dr Linda Ayade, wife of Cross River governor urged residents of the state to get their PVCs ready to vote for APC come February 2023.

Mr Alphonsus Eba, the state APC Chairman, promised to mobilize at least 500,000 votes from the state for Tinubu in 2023 poll.

L-R,All APC Women Nana Shettima, Remi Tinubu and Aisha Buhari

Aisha Buhari urges women, youths vote Tinubu at Calabar rally

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Aisha, wife of President Muhammadu Buhari, said voting for Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate in 2023 election, will guarantee employment for Nigerian women and youths.

Aisha, also the grand patron of the Tinubu/Shettima Campaign team, spoke on Saturday at the launch of the South-South APC Women and Youths Presidential Campaign Rally in Calabar.

The first lady, represented by the wife of the APC Presidential Candidate, Sen. Oluremi Tinubu, also assured the teaming APC supporters of better things to come.

”A vote for Tinubu/Shettima in the forthcoming election is a vote for progress, for unity and progress of Nigeria.

”Our husbands have both previously served as governors and we were first ladies of our respective states.

”It is easy to confirm that we have always been alive to our responsibilities by being sensitive to the needs of our people and keeping our husbands informed about developments around us.

”My sister and I hereby assure you that you can count on us as you are partners in progress, that you can trust us to ensure that issues which matter to you are kept in the front burner.

” We are fully committed to making sure that women issues are given priority in the next administration by God’s grace, a vote for Tinubu/Shettima is the vote for the upliftment of women and a vote for the creation of an enabling environment for our youth to thrive” she said.

Aisha who commended the show of love, solidarity and support by the South-South APC youths, assured of her unweaving loyalty and commitment to their cause.

”So, the youth we have not forgotten you. We are assuring you that you will be carried along every step of the way in this new administration,” she said.

The wife of the president also assured that Tinubu would be constantly reminded of the plight of the less privileged in the society.

”We will ensure that our husbands are constantly reminded about the plight of the less privileged and the need to empower and uplift our women,” she said.

On her part, the South-South Zonal Coordinator of Tinubu/Shettima Campaign and wife of Cross River governor Dr Linda Ayade, charged the South-South APC women to come out en-mass to vote for Tinubu/Shettima in the 2023 Presidential election.

She assured that the large number of APC supporters would surely result in victory in 2023 election.

Also speaking, Dr Betta Edu, the APC National Woman Leader, urged the APC women to educate women on the need to guard their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) and vote for Tinubu/Shettima for progress and prosperity in Nigeria.

Edu also charged them to engage in door-to-door campaign to ensure victory for APC in 2023 election.

Some of the dignitaries at the event included the Special Assistant to the President on Africa first ladies Peace Mission, Dr Mairo Al-Makura, former Chief of Army Staff retired Gen. Abdulrahman Dambazau and former FCT Minister, Alhaji Modibbo Aliyu.

Others were former Head of Service, Winifred Eyo-Ita, Sen. Ita Giwa, Mrs Zahra Buhari-Indimi and the Director-General, National Centre for Women Development Dr Asabe Vilita.

Orelaja: TFG supports Tinubu

Osinbajo group TFG endorses Tinubu


The Faithful Group(TFG), a political group loyal to Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo, has declared support for the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Tinubu.

National Coordinator, Olusola Orelaja said TFG had been issued a certificate of recognition following its endorsement of Tinubu as Tinubu Faithful Group(TFG).

“After the APC Presidential Primaries, we held several executive meetings and came to a progressive decision to support Tinubu, the APC flag bearer with capacity and competence,” he said.

Orelaja, who is also National President of Our Nation For Justice Initiative (ONAJI), said he was impressed by Tinubu’s visit to Osinbajo’s home after the primaries and for his forgiving heart.

He described Tinubu’s actions as a good development and morale booster for TFG members, saying it would spur them to campaign and ensure Tinubu emerged president in 2023.

“Tinubu is a visionary leader. He is a compassionate personality. TFG members in Diaspora and different states of Nigeria are ready to support him.

“I can authoritatively say Tinubu has paid enough dues to be President of Nigeria and it’s very clear that none of the other contestants can match his democratic credentials.

“He has unmatched track record as a public servant in the last 23 years, considering his achievements as governor of Lagos State,” Orelaja said.

The TFG coordinator said that Tinubu possessed the best resume, experience and exposure.

Orelaja said that Nigeria needed a competent and detribalised leader who will promote unity as well as a prosperous nation.

“This group consider the campaign for Tinubu as an obligation. We will knock on every door, speak to every Nigerian as well as travel across the length and breadth of the country to preach Tinubu/Shettima,” he said.

He prayed that God grant him good health, strength as well as the needed wisdom ahead of the 2023 presidential elections and beyond.

Gbajabiamila speaks at the Lagos rally

Gbajabiamila bombs Tinubu’s traducers


Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila has sent a damning message to traducers doubting the age of the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

In a speech at the joint APC presidential and governorship rally in Lagos, Gbajabiamila asked the Doubting Thomases to go consult the late mother of Tinubu, Abibat Mogaji, to authenticate Tinubu’s age.

“They will ask you a lot of questions. I want to tell you what to tell them. There is something called Frequently Asked Questions. When they ask you, who is Tinubu, tell them Femi Gbajabiamila, the Speaker of the House said Tinubu is the greatest politician in modern-day Nigerian politics,” he said.

“They will ask you, ‘How old is he? What is his age?’ Tell them that Femi Gbajabiamila, the Speaker of the House said he is the age his mother said he is. And if they doubt his age, they should go and meet his mother to reconfirm.”

“They will tell you, ‘But they said he did not go to school.’ Tell them that I, Femi Gbajabiamila, the Speaker of the House, said he is more educated than all the contestants put together.”

On allegations that Tinubu was indicted in the United States, Gbajabiamila asked APC devotees to simply tell sceptics that “the Americans have said repeatedly that they do not know what they are talking about.”

He also countered allegations of corruption against Tinubu with the argument that the APC presidential candidate was never found guilty, while attributing the choice of two Muslims on the party’s presidential ticket to a divine plan.

“They will say, ‘But they say that he is corrupt.’ Tell them he is the most investigated Nigerian presidential candidate in the history of Nigeria, and nothing has been found on him,” the Speaker said.

“When they ask about a Muslim vice president, tell them that God is moving mysteriously in ways that they cannot understand; that he is about to do something in Nigeria.

“Tell them, in Shettima, God is about to live out the scripture of the rejected stone that became the cornerstone. If they ask you, what has he done to develop Nigeria, tell them he has developed men and women who in turn have developed Nigeria.

“Tell them to give you one name of any other candidate that has developed men and women of consequence today in the Nigerian political and socio-economic development.”

Gbajabiamila said his speech was majorly to woo undecided voters, whom he described as a “very small group outside.”

Reported by ireporteronline

Tinubu and other APC leaders make grand entry to Lagos rally

Tinubu: Why Nigerians should reject Atiku, PDP



Tinubu charges Nigerians not to allow PDP near nation’s commonwealth again

…Urges Lagosians to vote Sanwo-Olu/Hamzat for second term

All Progressives Congress Presidential Candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has called on Nigerians not to entrust the Peoples Democratic Party with Nigeria’s commonwealth again because of the destruction the party wrought on the country.

Tinubu made the call on Saturday in Lagos at the Teslim Balogun Stadium, Surulere venue of APC Presidential Campaign’s mega rally where he also recalled how Lagos gave him a chance to deploy his talents for national progress and preservation of progressive politics.

“I thank the Almighty Allah and the good people of Lagos State for a place to stand, from which I could deploy my talents to mobilise like-minded Progressives to defend this great city.”

Governor Lalong arrives at the rally
Governor Lalong arrives at the rally

The APC Presidential candidate said his party’s campaign is a broom revolution, and invoking the spirit of his late mother, Alhaja Abibatu Mogaji, the Iyaloja-General, he followed up with a folksong, singing in Yoruba, “Dagunro o se je, Tinubu o se pa,” meaning literally that he can not be killed.

Tinubu said he would continue with progressive government where Nigerians will not be forgotten in education, healthcare and employment generation.

The former Lagos State governor who spoke partly in Yoruba took a swipe at the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Candidate bAtiku Abubakar, describing him a veteran aspirant who should go home and rest.

“Atiku contested in SDP, he contested in PDP; he contested in ACN when we rescued him from Obasanjo. Now he is contesting again in PDP. He should go home and rest,” adding that Nigerians should never allow him and his party near the country’s commonwealth.

“Atiku has been running. Use your PVC to vote him and his party out. Use your votes to retire him permanently this time. We must never again allow the rapacious and visionless gang of Peoples Destroying People to come near our commonwealth again. They were in government for 16 years, they didn’t remember Badagry Expressway, they didn’t remember East-West Road, they didnt remember 2nd Niger Bridge.”

To underscore his support across the country, Tinubu noted that Governors of Kano, Kastina, Kaduna, Kwara, Kebbi and other APC Governors were with him unlike his opponent who could not hold his party together.

Tinubu again used the opportunity of the rally to thank President Muhammadu Buhari for his commitment to the development of Nigeria and Lagos State.

“I specially thank President Muhammadu Buhari for the unprecedented Federal support and commitment to Lagos State. We have come a long way from Presidents whose sole obsession was to capture or conquer Lagos in do-or-die fashion, to a President who loves the state greatly and is keen to see it do very well.

“Lagos has benefited tremendously in terms of infrastructure development, whether it is the Lagos-Ibadan Railway line, or the Apapa-Oshodi-Oworonsoki Expressway, the revamped National Theatre, the new International Airport Terminal or the support that has made the Lekki Deep Sea Port possible and the Dangote Refinery and Petrochemical Plant, as well as the Red Line of the Lagos Metro, which is sharing part of the Federal corridor,” he said.

Addressing the massive rally on the importance of sustaining the progressive governance in Lagos State, Tinubu urged Lagosians to vote for Governor Babajide Sanwo-olu and his deputy, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, for second term.

“Dear Lagosians, my appeal to you today, is to ask you to renew the mandate of Babajide Sanwo-Olu and Kadiri Obafemi Hamzat for another 4 years. Do not let the execution and implementation of the bold vision of more than two decades be aborted or suspended.”

For the stability of Lagos State, Asiwaju Tinubu called on the youths and students to vote for Sanwo-Olu and Hamzat.

“The lives of over 22 million people are too important to be subjected to tragic experiments in the hands of kindergarten politicians. Babajide Sanwo-olu and Obafemi Hamzat have been schooled in the finest tradition of people-management and development planning.”

Present at the rally were the party’s National Chairman, Senator Abdullahi Adamu, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, Vice Presidential Candidate, Senator Kashim Shettima, and Chairman, Nigeria Governors’ Forum and Governor of Kebbi, Atiku Bagudu.

Others included the Director-General of the Tinubu/Shettima Campaigns and Governor of Plateau State, Simon Bako Lalong, as well as Governors Abdullahi Ganduje (Kano), Aminu Bello Masari (Katsina), Dapo Abiodun (Ogun), Adegboyega Oyetola (Osun), Abubakar Badaru (Jigawa), Abdulrahman Abdulrasaq and Abiodun Oyebanji (Ekiti). Also present were Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed, Minister of Sports and Youth Development, Sunday Dare, former Ekiti State Governor, Kayode Fayemi

There were also members of the APC National Working Committee and National Assembly members.

Welcoming the dignitaries and people of Lagos, Governor Sanwo-olu thanked Asíwájú for the foundation he laid in the state and the legacies he left behind as governor, saying he is the right man for the presidency in 2023.

Governor Bagudu who spoke on behalf of the 22 APC Governors thanked the Lagos governor for the successful rally.

“Our party leadership and governors believe in Asíwájú and for the right reasons. The world economy has been challenged, Nigeria inclusive. We need someone of Asíwájú’s standing and pedigree to take over to help the country wade through,” he said.

Speaker Gbajabiamila commended Asíwájú for his investment in human capacity, saying he has developed more people than any others.

“There is a lot to be said about Asíwájú. He is the most investigated Nigerian and nothing has been found against him. ”

The DG of the campaigns, Hon. Lalong said Asíwájú Tinubu has the character and capacity to lead Nigeria and ensure equity and justice to all parts of the country, adding that with Asíwájú and Shettima, Nigerians would have no cause to regret.

Tinubu Media Office
Tunde Rahman
November 26, 2022

Teslim Balogun Stadium awaits Tinubu

Scenes at APC mega rally in Lagos

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Teslim Balogun Stadium in Surulere was filled to the brim on Saturday as Lagos hosted a mega rally for the APC Presidential Candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Party enthusiasts and faithful formed a collage of colours as they sat, awaiting the arrival of Tinubu, his running mate, Kashim Shettima and host governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu.

Here are some photos sent Emma Osodi:

APC faithful in Lagos
APC faithful in Lagos
Another section of party faithful
Another section of party faithful
Teslim Balogun Stadium
Teslim Balogun Stadium
APC supporters add colour to the rally
APC supporters add colour to the rally
Another section of APC supporters
Another section of APC supporters


Action Alliance disowns anti-Tinubu litigants, officials join suit


Duly elected chairman and secretary of the Action Alliance have disowned the suit filed by the party seeking the disqualification of the APC presidential candidate, Asíwájú Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

They told Justice B.F.M.Nyako of the Abuja Judicial Division of the Federal High Court that the suit was unauthorised and that the masterminds were dismissed officials of the party.

Justice Nyako in a ruling on 22 November approved the application by the duly elected chairman and secretary to be joined in the suit.

The Action Alliance party had filed the action against the Independent National Electoral Commission as first defendant, the All Progressives Congress as second defendant, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu as third defendant and Senator Kashim Shettima as fourth defendant.

The party is known to have filed several cases against Tinubu. One of them was struck out on Monday.

By the approval, Justice Nyako upheld the argument of the officials that the suit was never authorised by the appropriate organs of the party as those who filed the action had been determined by the Court of Appeal as unfit for office.

The case for joinder was filed by Mr.Adekunle Rafiu Omo-Aje, the national chairman and Ambassador Suleiman Abdulmalik, the national secretary of the Action Alliance respectively.

Both informed the court that Kenneth Udeze who initiated the suit has been sacked by the Appeal Court and that both, who are the only officers recognised by the party at no time authorised the suit.

Both averred that the action being prosecuted in the court was not authorised by the party and that proponents in the case were “meddlesome interlopers’ with no capacity or authority to act on behalf of the party.

Opposing the application, the respondents filed a 15-paragraph counter-affidavit which argued that the application be dismissed because it failed to comply with Order 26 Rule 3 of the Federal High Court.

Ruling on the matter, Justice Nyako declared that the main consideration in a joinder application is if the applicant seeking to be joined is a necessary party in that the decision will affect them one way or the other.

She ruled: ” the plaintiffs/respondents have not placed anything that would convince the courts not to allow them into the case. I am of the opinion that they are necessary to the case to determine if the case was properly instituted or not.

Consequently, the application succeeds and the applicants are hereby joined as parties to this action as Defendants.”

In the matter, U.O.Kairo was counsel to the plaintiff.

Justice Ishola of Babatunde Ogala, SAN chambers stood for the All Progressives Congress, Thomas Ojo stood for Sen Bola Tinubu and Mr.C.I.Ibenegbu stood for Sen. Kashim Shettima.

Tinubu in Gbaramotu Kingdom

Tinubu becomes Gbaramatu chief, promises speedy aid for Ijaw kingdom

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Tinubu meets Niger Delta leaders, promises regular consultations on region’s development

All Progressives Congress Presidential Candidate, Asíwájú Bola Ahmed Tinubu, on Friday in Oporoza, Gbaramatu Kingdom, promised to engage in regular consultations with Niger-Delta leaders to facilitate the formulation of policies and initiatives that will enhance the region’s development.

He spoke in the presence of full compliment of traditional rulers from the kingdom led by the Pere of Gbaramatu Kingdom, His Royal Highness, Oboro Gbaraun II.

At the meeting, the APC presidential candidate bagged the second traditional title in two days- the ‘Iyelawei’ of Gbaramatu- meaning the torch bearer of the kingdom.

Receiving Asíwájú Tinubu in his palace, the Pere of Gbaramatu showered praises on the APC candidate, while praying for his success in the presidential election.

The traditional ruler urged Tinubu, if elected, to ensure the establishment of a deep sea port in Gbaramatu, industrial park in Ogidigben and good roads and bridges leading into the kingdom.

In his response, Asíwájú Tinubu promised to work to speed up the development of the region, saying he would engage in regular consultations with the leaders to emplace initiatives and projects that would help the region.

“I’m one of you. My wife is a daughter of the Niger Delta. Your in-law is also your son. No be so?’, the APC presidential candidate asked in pidgin English to which the mammoth crowd yelled “Na so.”

He said he was aware the Warri- Escravos/Gbaramatu road had been awarded, pledging to ensure the completion of the road by getting the contractor involved to deliver on the project.

He also said if elected, the Ministry of Niger Delta and the Niger Delta Development Commission will serve the full purpose for which they were established.

“The man standing before you will implement whatever he promised. You need honesty, you need commitment to perform. I embody both.

“I know the road and I will carry the Niger Delta people along. We will consult your leaders for the development of Gbaramatu Kingdom and other associated communities.”

Tinubu was accompanied to the kingdom by the Deputy Senate President and APC governorship candidate in Delta State, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, Governors Abdullahi Ganduje and Mai Mala Buni of Kano and Yobe states, Minister of State, Petroleum Resources Timiprey Sylva, Minister of State, Labour Festus Keyamo and former Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Dimeji Bankole.

Others on the entourage included former Governor-elect of Bayelsa State, David Lyon, former Minister of State, Niger Delta, Elder Orubebe, APC Chairman in Delta State, Elder Sobotie and a party chieftain in the state, Ayiri Emami.

On arrival at the palace of Oboro, Asíwájú and his entourage were treated to exchange of pleasantries, rooted in customs and tradition.

The APC candidate and his team were presented with kolanuts in demonstration of love and hospitality of the people.

As Tinubu was conferred with a traditional title, others in his entourage also received various titles.

Speaking earlier, Omo-Agege said he had accompanied to the palace the candidate who would make the difference in the lives of the people of the Niger Delta because “he is progress and development-oriented.

“He knows what to do because he had done it before. He is our hope to change the fortunes of the region.”

Tinubu Media Office,
Tunde Rahman,
November 25, 2022.

Arise TV logo

Why Tinubu will not attend Arise News town hall meeting


Our attention has been drawn to an advertisement by Arise News in connection with a Town Hall meeting scheduled for 4 December.

WE are surprised that the TV station listed our candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as a participant, when there was no prior consultation with him and his aides and no consent of the candidate obtained for the advertisement.

We deem this as professionally wrong and reckless.

No media organisation should arrogate to itself the right to railroad any candidate to fit into its own agenda.

As we said in an earlier statement, the busy and hectic campaign schedules of Asiwaju Tinubu will not permit him to honour all invitations from different radio and TV stations for debate and or Town Hall meetings hence our decision for him not to start with one media organisation and later ignore the others.

In the absence of a unified and mutually acceptable all parties and all candidates platform, our candidate has been speaking directly to Nigerians, since President Muhammadu Buhari launched Tinubu’s Action Plan for a Better Nigeria.

Till date, over seven town hall meetings with strategic sectors have been held across the geopolitical zones, where the candidate and his running mate have spoken about their programmes.

These direct engagements will continue before the election on 25 February 2023.

We therefore urge Arise News to stop using our candidate’s name or portrait in its advertisement, forthwith.

Bayo Onanuga
Director, Media & Publicity
APC Presidential Campaign Council
November 25, 2022


Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a man of many traditional honours across the country, from north to south, west to east. The array of titles he has garnered was only comparable to that of Chief Moshood Abiola, winner of the 1993 Presidential election.


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